2024 Spring Summer Lecture Series

13th February 2024 12:00pm - 16th April 2024 12:00pm


The LSLA is delighted to announce details of our spring/summer lectures, which will consist of talks and panel discussions with eminent practitioners on topical subjects of legal interest.

Each lecture will begin at 6 p.m., and will last approximately one hour, which will include an opportunity for questions.  The lectures will be followed by an opportunity for drinks and networking.  Materials and, if practicable, a video recording will appear on the LSLA website after the event.                                                           

We are grateful to the following firms for hosting these lectures:      

Hogan Lovells International LLP, Atlantic House, Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2FG
Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, Exchange House, Primrose Street, London EC2A 2EG


Series Programme


Thursday 11 April at Hogan Lovells International LLP

Litigation between funders and funded parties

Mr Justice Foxton


As litigation funding becomes an ever more significant part of the London litigation landscape, the profession needs to be prepared for the prospect of disputes between funders and funded parties.  The LSLA is delighted to be able to offer a view from the bench, with Mr Justice Foxton giving his assessment of this developing area.


Wednesday 22 May at Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

Rethinking the fundamentals of Banking Law


Ian Wilson KC and Charlotte Eborall, 3 Verulam Buildings


Banking litigation remains a core area of the London litigation market.  In this talk, Ian Wilson KC and Charlotte Eborall will explore some of the fundamental principles of banking law, in the light of recent caselaw.


Wednesday 26 June at Hogan Lovells International LLP

Generative AI and Litigation: a Panel Discussion


Justice Robin Knowles, Katherine Apps KC of 39 Essex Chambers, Eimear McCann and Stephen Dowling of TrialView.

Following an initial wave of excitement over the potential uses of Generative AI in all industries, the London litigation market is starting see the crystallising of what is – and what is not – an effective use case for this technology. Stephen Dowling, Senior Counsel, and CEO of TrialView will lead a panel discussion to share best practice on how to leverage this powerful tool… and what pitfalls to avoid.



Wednesday 11 September  at Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

Recent Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Litigation


Craig Orr KC


This talk will survey the landscape as Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency disputes move from speculation into live proceedings before the English Courts.  Our speaker could not be better suited to giving this talk, as he is currently acting in the most high-profile crypto litigation to date, centring on the question: who is (pseudonymous founder of Bitcoin) Satoshi Nakamoto?







Attendance is not limited to LSLA members. Anyone can apply for tickets via the website

The cost is £90 for all four events (non-members £110).

Alternatively you can book each event individually via our events page.

Our events usually sell out, so please apply early.

The LSLA lectures will start at 6 p.m. All events will last approximately one hour, to include a period for questions at the end, and will be followed by drinks.